
Dana Kay

Dana Kay is a brand strategist, community architect, movement artist, and plant whisperer. 

Dana has traveled extensively, studied many indigenous cultures and ancient wisdom practices, and worked deeply with plant and animal medicines. This education has inspired Dana’s work in many fields as she weaves together storytelling, movement, music, art, and community to reestablish a connection to ourselves, each other, and our planet.

Dana is a certified yoga teacher, dancer, and creator of immersive movement experiences. She lives for rhythm and flow and seeks to move beyond our current paradigm of fitness and invite people into moments of deep embodiment and shared rhythm.

As part of the startup team of Taproot Brands, Dana designed a branding ecosystem that would allow for the development of conscious brands and facilitate the repositioning of cannabis as part of an integrated lifestyle. She led a creative team in conceptualizing and launching cannabis brands and products, to include the award-winning brand Roots. 

Above all, Dana is passionate about designing immersive experiences, products, and brands that harness our collective human potential and facilitate deep human connection.

In her free time, Dana can be found having stimulating conversations with her pet toad and her favorite plants, dancing through the desert, riding motorcycles, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, writing, and generally having as many wild and beautiful experiences as possible.