Jessica Naissant

CEO of Wake and Bake Cafe, LLC

My name is Jessica Naissant, I am currently the CEO of Wake and Bake Cafe, LLC. This business is the first BIPOC, woman owned, CBD dispensary on Long Island, New York. My love of the cannabis plant and its biology is deeply rooted in my extensive study of biological and chemical processes. I received an Associate of Science in Biochemistry from Nassau Community College and a Bachelor of Arts in Biological Studies from SUNY Old Westbury. My passion for biology has driven me to execute what I have studied into a dynamic program that students could apply and utilize in everyday life. This program is called the Canna Equity Group. Given the opportunity to speak on these passions, I have been featured in many news articles, interviews and other media outlets such as Newsday, LIBN (Long Island Business News), and News 12.